UFS Python Utilities Toolbox#


A Python API toolbox for UFS-based applications.

  • confs: Configuration-type file interfaces (e.g., JSON, LUA, YAML, XML, etc.).

  • execute: Application execution interfaces (e.g., containers, executables, scripts, etc.).

  • ioapps: File format read and write, and file staging and archiving interfaces.

  • tools: Generic tools for all application interfaces.

  • utils: Utility interfaces.



The ufs_pyutils repository can be obtained as follows.

user@host:$ /path/to/git clone --recursive https://www.github.com/HenryWinterbottom-NOAA/ufs_pyutils ./ufs_pyutils

Installing Package Dependencies#

To install the Python packages upon which ufs_pyutils depends, follow these steps.

user@host:$ /path/to/pip install --upgrade pip
user@host:$ /path/to/pip install -r /path/to/ufs_pyutils/requirements.txt

Container Environments#

Docker container environments that support and within which the ufs_pyutils applications can be executed can be obtained and executed as follows.

user@host:$ /path/to/docker run -it ghcr.io/henrywinterbottom-noaa/ubuntu20.04.ufs_pyutils:latest